Iokwe and Welcome to WUTMI!

Women United Together Marshall Islands (WUTMI) is a chartered non-government, not-for-profit organization. We work to advance the causes and improve the lives of Marshallese women and their families. Serving as the voice of women in the Marshall Islands, the primary goal of WUTMI is to support and strengthen Marshallese women, and in so doing, to strengthen Marshallese families. WUTMI seeks to encourage and ensure activities that preserve and strengthen the values of traditional Marshallese culture as well as addressing the realities of modern life in the islands. You can discover here WUTMI's work in the Marshall Islands.
16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence
2015 WUTMI annual Conference
Parents As Teachers Proposal
Proposal to Ministry of Education Republic of the Marshall Islands Majuro, MH 96960 October 1, 2011 – September 30, 2012 Parents As Teachers (PAT) PAT Vision: “All parents will be their child’s best first teacher” Introduction: Women United Together Marshall Islands (WUTMI) is currently entering into its ninth and last…
Parents as Teachers Project

WUTMI’s Parents as Teachers project provides consultations on Special Education; holds 4 quarterly parental workshops/social events; participates in additional parental group sessions at four of the public elementary schools in Majuro, and conducted numerous home visits with its targeted and enrolled families. WUTMI has advanced this project, particularly toward the…